Friday, January 4, 2013

European football racism hits boiling point

Like a true United States of Europe, the European Union repeatedly faces flashes of racism. One of those flashes came Jan. 3 in Italy, where bi-racial AC Milan star Kevin-Prince Boateng and his teammates walked off the field en masse after he was taunted with monkey calls.

I often listen to the BBC while driving home after midnight. Racially fueled incidents at European football matches have been reported for years but appear to be accelerating.

Thursday's incident in Busto Arsizio was an exhibition game at Pro Patria, which plays in the fourth tier of Italian football. It will be interesting to see whether other teams will support their teammates as strongly when the stakes are higher in league or international games. But as a former player, I can say there is no stronger message than a whole team walking off the field with justice on their side.

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