Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bullwork Report video feature premieres tonight


The Bullwork Report, a weekly webcast linked to the bullworkofdemocracy blog, is set to launch later tonight. Every week on the Bullwork Report, you will find the biggest stories in the world that get relatively little media attention. And these stories are being told in a way to be as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.

How the Bullwork Report works

With the exception of tonight's premiere, 10-minute Bullwork Reports will post to YouTube and the bullworkofdemocracy blog every Wednesday night. If there are technical difficulties, posting will be moved to Thursday night.
The Bullwork Report is presented in one, unedited, cut.

Bullwork Report webcasts are either going to dig deeper into a bullworkofdemocracy blog post or present stories researched and crafted specifically for the webcast.

Each Bullwork Report will conclude with a reading of the Angerometer, which counts each time I say "bullshit."
And each Bullwork Report will end with the Bullwork Know it Hall of Fame Challenge. If you can tweet the source of the Bullwork Report’s signoff quote to @cccheney, you’ll be among the charter members of the Bullwork Know it Hall of Fame to have their twitter account names memorialized on the bullworkofdemocracy blog this spring. The answer to the challenges will be tweeted @cccheney about 24 hours after every webcast.

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