Friday, April 5, 2013

The weakest of America's Weakest Generation

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I now know of two great-grandmothers over the age of 60 who are raising little girls under the age of 6 because, as one court record states, the tots' mothers are pursuing "individual fulfillment."

Insert your favorite interjection here. The one that comes to my mind is WTF!

I know one of these little girls personally. In a heartbreaking moment that was permanently seared into my memory, this little cherub approached me last summer while I was working on a project in the yard.

"Chris, will you be my father?" she said in an impossibly quiet, innocent voice.

The request to fulfull such an essential and fundamental role in a young child's life was moving at an emotional level that's barely describable. It was like putting love for a defenseless child and hatred for a despicable adult into a blender, then swallowing the entire mixture in one nauseating gulp.

Neuroscience has determined that conscience is one of the last qualities to develop in the human brain. It's why most teenagers are hell on wheels at one point or another.

It seems many members of America's next generation are going to skip the development of a conscience entirely.

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