Soccer-Chi(TM) is a version of The Beautiful Game modified for safety-first. Soccer-Chi(TM) workouts can have as few as one participant, and games can range from 2 to 20 players.
Soccer-Chi™ Rules:
1. No rough contact: Violations draw yellow or red cards. Drawing two yellow cards or a red card results in 5-minute side-lining.
2. No goalie, and hand-ball violations draw yellow or red cards.
3. No heading: Violation draws foul call and referee-directed restart of play.
4. Scoring: (a) goal created with two objects on ground to serve as goal posts; (b) to score, ball must roll over goal line; and (c) to score, ball cannot knock over or displace goal posts.
5. Referee: (a) generally, the oldest player on the field of play serves as ref, (b) an experienced fan on the sideline can serve as ref, and (c) if there is an odd number of players on the field, the oldest player present takes on role of ref.